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Why should I enable cookies?

What are cookies?
Cookies are short pieces of data that are sent to your computer when you visit a website. On later visits, this data is then returned to that website.

Why do I need to enable cookies in my Web browser in order to shop at Karaoke Version?
Cookies allow us to recognize you automatically whenever you visit our site so that we can personalize your experience and provide you with better service. We also use cookies (and similar browser data, such as Flash cookies) for fraud prevention and other purposes.

If your web browser is set to refuse cookies from our website, you will not be able to complete a purchase or take advantage of certain features on Karaoke Version. As a result, we strongly encourage you to configure your web browser to accept cookies from our website.

Is enabling cookies safe?
Yes. Cookies are just short pieces of data, and they are unable to perform any operation by themselves.

How do I change this setting so I can shop on the site?
The browser help will tell you how to set your browser to accept cookies. This external link explains how to do it step by step.

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