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Changing the song key: the need to know

Unless your name is Axl Rose or Mariah Carey and easily adapting pitch to match an original song key is a cinch, you may need to make some adjustments to suit your vocal range. To better adapt a song to your needs you can always change the key or pitch on any Karaoke Version track.

How can I change the key of a backing track?

With any of our backing tracks (Custom Backing Tracks included), you can modify the key of any Karaoke Version song + /- 2 semitones.
On any song page, you will notice up and down arrows next to the 'Play' or 'Add to cart' button. Click here to change the pitch before downloading the track.
These same arrows are displayed at the bottom of the mixer in the Custom Backing Track section.

Changing the key is also possible after purchase! Directly from the My Files page, you can modify the key of any of your favorite tracks as much as you would like and for free!

How can I change the key +/-2 semitones?

Changing the key will noticeably affect the quality on certain songs and wanting to offer you the best in quality, we limit the change to +/-2 semitones. Should you still wish to modify the key further, you can try using a music editor to achieve this. We recommend the free online software Audacity.

How can I change the key of a karaoke video?

Modifying the key of our karaoke video files directly on our website isn’t possible. Not to worry, there is an easy solution! Try downloading the KFN format from your My Files page (read more about changing the karaoke format for free here). Next, import the KFN files into the KaraFun Player, a free karaoke software!

The KaraFun software (available in Windows only) will allow you to change the key +/- 6 semitones. Note that this can only be done in real time and as such downloading the version with the modified key or tempo is not possible.

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