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Discover the secrets of our Custom Backing Tracks

Unless you are a professional musician who is used to intricate mixing software, the Karaoke Version Custom Backing Track may be a bit daunting at first. Resembling a professional mixer, this page gives you some of the basic functions of a complete software in an easy-to-use context.

We still receive some specific questions so let's take a minute to address them and to make sure you are getting the most out of the Custom Backing Tracks.

Why use a Custom Backing Track over another version (vocal, guitar, drum...)?

A Custom Backing Track holds lots of benefits. The most obvious is that all individual instrumental tracks (up to 15) are included in the purchase. It also means that mixing and matching the song exactly as you choose is possible. Additionally, customizing a track will allow you to structure your practicing, and sing or play as if you were part of a group. Here are some tips when playing along with a backing track.

Can I download the track again and change the mix?

Yes. For any purchased file on Karaoke Version, you can edit and download the track as many times as you would like. For free! To do so, simply login to your account and go to My files. Click the Change option next to the song you would like to edit and you will again be redirected to the song page and the mixer. Here’s a video that explains mixing process.

How many Custom Backing Tracks exist?

Our catalog constitutes 61,000 Custom Backing Tracks. Our team works on a daily basis to update the catalog with any improve and new songs.

Can I download all separated tracks at once?

Separating all tracks and downloading them in one fell swoop is not possible. To get all tracks individually, you must first separate the desired track and then download one at a time. Remember that downloading and mixing as much as you want is completely free!

Why do I only hear a 30-second preview of my purchased song?

In order to speed up loading times, you will hear only 30 second snippets of each song. The full song is available for listening upon download.

What are the different icons in the mixer?

  • Megaphone - Mute - Listen to all tracks except the one selected.
  • L-C-R - Pan - Clicking here allows you to create song effects by adjusting L (left), C (center) or R (right). This is also useful for drummers who play in a group and need to hear the click track.
  • S - Solo - Listen to the selected track only.

What are presets?

These allow you to mix all tracks of a particular family with one click. For example, clicking on a guitar preset will give you the option to mute all guitars.

Still have a question? Leave us a comment below and we will be happy to help.

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  • 1 year ago
      Tracks are great... only on thing.. is it possible to change the intro click at the start to something like a closed hi hat. Cheers
    • 5 years ago
        Sorry if I'm re-treading old enquiries, but I understand that on the 'normal' karaoke tracks there is the option of altering the key up or down two 'steps' (two semi-tones) - on the customised tracks, can this be extended to three 'steps' or more? Thank you, Rod.
      • 5 years ago
          I have purchased a number of your custom backing tracks and generally find them great but I would have found it very useful for time to time to be able to take out the instrumental solo from a track without eliminating the solo instrument from the rest of the track.
        • 5 years ago
            This is a brilliant system, makes your tracks individual.
          • 5 years ago
              thanks karaoke version for this very helpful information, it sure has helped with my pedal steel guitar playing as i have a full band to play in my home...keep up the great work. regards jim.
            • 5 years ago
                Thank you, this is very interesting. I think I am too old now to understand it all but I am sure it will be very good for many folks.
              • 5 years ago
                  can you please let us hear all the track so we can judge if we like it one other site ill not mention the name let you hear all track as there is no way of stealing the tracks so please let us hear the full track and we can let you know and give better feedback and not feel like bad that the track is not right thanks kv love most your tracks
                • 5 years ago
                    I understand you only play about 30secs preview but I would find it more helpful to choose which 30sec I hear. For example sometimes I want to hear the intro or the middle break or the backing vocals. Sometimes it stops at the very bit I want to hear. Will it be possible to choose the 30sec preview in the future. Thank you
                  • 5 years ago
                      Hi, Some of your Custom Backing Tracks say the Tempo is adjustable like the Key - But I really do not know how to do this - Can you please let me know this. Thanks