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What music is best for concentration?

In asking the question of what music is best for concentration, we need to consider that there may not be an answer that can satisfy all musical tastes and that would be adequate for any and all types of tasks requiring increased attention (does the task at hand require repetition? perhaps it needs intellectual effort?). And yet, there are certain distinguishable traits and common features in music that lend themselves more easily to concentration.

Music versus silence

First of all, let's do away with the common idea that nothing can compare to silence when one is trying to concentrate. Many studies have proved that music presents numerous benefits for the human brain, that are particularly useful for concentration: music improves memory, enhances attention, makes us more creative, reduces stress and stimulates both hemispheres of the brain.

More proof of music's utility: humans have two systems for processing attention: one is conscious and allows us to focus our attention voluntarily, and the other, unconscious, which controls instinct, emotion and reacts faster than the other. That’s why, if you are alone at home, focused on a task, the slightest noise can easily distract you. Unless you can occupy this unconscious system through music, even the smallest distraction has the potential to divert your attention.

A question of tempo

There’s as much music that’s ideal for concentration as there are types of tasks that require attention. For example, it's evident that your brain is not solicited in the same way if you have to perform a repetitive operation as when you are writing a thesis on an astrophysical theory. A high tempo can stimulate and increase productivity in the first case while in the second, a rather slow tempo of 60 BPM for example, will be more appropriate.

Sounds of nature

It's no coincidence that music from nature (sounds of rain, a stream, a bird or even wind) are often heard in places suitable for relaxation, such as a spa. They provide a soothing and reassuring environment and have little tempo variation and intensity. There’s little risk that our heart will race from a chorus of chimes or a solo of rain drops. It's because of this, the absence of surprise, that concentration is promoted, as has been proven from research on this subject from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for example.

Songs that you like

The idea that lack of surprise allows for concentration is justified in another criterion of choice: opting for songs you like. When you like a song it not only has a reassuring aspect but can also trigger a pleasure response. On the other hand, a song you are familiar with doesn’t arouse curiosity since the song structure is already familiar to you. According to Teresa Lesiuk, a professor specialized in music therapy at the University of Miami, music that we love will accelerate our productivity and will reduce stress levels and push us to make better choices.

Songs that have no effect

It may seem paradoxical, but according to research by Fu Jen University in Taiwan, this appears as the best choice for concentration. Songs that we like and are personal have the potential of being a distraction and a song that we don't like may put us a in bad mood whereas music that we don’t have any real feelings for one way or the other favors concentration.

Instrumental music

Music or noise is not, in itself, the most disruptive to concentration. The culprits are singing and lyrics. The more intelligible these are, the more your attention will be focused on them instinctively, resulting in lower productivity.

In conclusion, depending on your sensitivity and the level of concentration needed, the best music for concentration will vary. The key is not to spend too much time choosing the music that could help you gain time!

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  • 6 years ago