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Spread the love with music

Christmastime is the season of giving of gifts and sharing of special moments with family and friends.

Karaoke Version is taking part in this month’s gift-giving and festivities with a $1000 donation to two associations that spread joy through the gift of music.

The team is excited to sponsor...

  • Is Santa a Rocker?, a local initiative that organizes an annual concert to collect toys for needy families.
  • JM France, working to give children and young adults from disadvantaged areas access to music through concerts, workshops, shows…

This donation is rooted in our team's daily commitment to optimism, respect for others and a passion to spread joy through music. This gift could not have been made without your 11+ years of loyalty and we thank you and donate on your behalf!

From us to you, may your holidays be filled with love and music. Season’s Greetings from Karaoke Version!

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  • 7 years ago
      brilliant karaoke version, a pleasure to be involved in your team, long may it continue and best wishes to all of you.
    • 7 years ago
        Merry Christmas guys and gals of Karaoke
      • 7 years ago
          Using you has been the best move I ever made, we live in Crete, Greece and found it so hard to get good backing tracks. You have completely changed my act, I can get a new song immediately. Thank you. Kenny Cortez
        • 7 years ago
            Hi merry christmas to you all, and happy new year. Well done with the donations,your backing tracks are first class thank you.