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Spotlight on one of Karaoke Version's own: Thibaut

Thibaut may be the newest member of the Karaoke Version team, but his musical abilities are already on par with the others. As a former guitar teacher and part of a Michael Jackson tribute band, his experience and passion for music is the perfect addition to Karaoke Version.

He shares his favorites and tips.

What is your role at Karaoke Version?

I’m sound engineer and musician, meaning I make sure that all of our productions are of the best quality.

What instrument(s) do you play?

Mostly guitar, but a little bass and piano.

When did you begin?

For fifteen years now, I started music fairly late at 17 years.

Why did you start playing?

The first time a even had contact with a musical instrument was when I was in high school. A friend of mine had a guitar and showed me a couple chords and I quickly developed a passion for the instrument. Little by little, after the hours and hours that I spent practicing, I quickly realized that music would become my career.

What are your favorite songs to play?

Any major influences that got you started playing?

So many! Difficult to choose, but first place goes to Beethoven, for his unique mix of power and emotion.
Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Weather Report and so many others.

What’s a typical mistake that you see being made amongst musicians?

The biggest mistake that musicians make I think is to categorize music. To rank certain groups or artists according to “styles.” I think it’s important to not be limited to one “kind” of music. There are not different musics, there is only THE music.

Any advice for a beginner?

Be curious!

How often do you practice?

Once or twice a week, I make sure to block out a big practice session during which I take advantage of the time to work on my group’s songs and to go over certain notions of harmony.

Any practicing tips?

Work slowly and don’t skip steps, for technique and for theory, create a good foundation and then things will come more simply.
Organize your regular work sessions, be rigorous, but have fun!
Lastly, try to play in a group as much as possible, nothing is more motivating and fun. We don’t say “play” music for nothing!

How do you find a balance between your passion for music and outside obligations?

The balance was established on its own, I’ve never really thought about it.

Do you perform in public? Tips?

Yes, regularly. The best advice that I can give is to prepare yourself as much as possible, try to be at ease as much as possible on your instrument and to take advantage of the ambiance. Also, try to transform any stress into positive energy, a smile on stage is certainly communicative and the other musicians and the audience will return the favor.

Anything else?

Be curious, listen to lots of different things and of course, have fun!

Previous months: JF (keyboard), Michel (flute), Noémie (drums), Alex (guitar).

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