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Unleash your talent, set it free!

What do Lady Gaga and Michael Jackson have in common? Beyond their over-the-top costumes and on-stage antics, they both have major talent!

For decades, scientists have been studying the connection between eccentricity and creativity. It seems that those that more readily express their creativity in outside of the box ways have a higher distributed cognition (a different way of processing knowledge that heightens creativity). So Lady Gaga's getups and Michael's beloved chimp Bubbles are actually proof of their creativity.

For the musicians and singers amongst us that are less eccentric, this means that letting go a little may get those creative juices flowing and in turn push us to think differently and improve in ways that we wouldn’t normally.

Advice for getting in tune with your eccentric self:

Study up: It’s never been heard that curiosity killed the musician. Creative people are well-versed in their field and a thirst for all types of knowledge allows for deeper understanding and mastery of your craft.

Shake up your routine: Being open to change when you practice may prove beneficial as it pushes you to step out of your comfort zone. Block out an hour to simply sing or play, free of inhibitions, and see where it takes you. Try changing locations, music genre, length of practice session...

Work with your moods: Sit down and write out your emotions before beginning your practice session and adapt accordingly. Working with your emotions rather than trying to block them may help to concentrate better on the task at hand and allow you to throw yourself into your work. You might even try to play or sing something adapted to your current feelings.

Imagine: The ability to think outside of the box cultivates creativity and helps you to conceptualize the kind of singer or musician you would like to be. Envision what you want to become, where you'd like to go and create your universe.

Other musicians that have garnered a reputation for their eccentricities: Miley Cyrus, Alice Cooper, Katy Perry, Freddie Mercury, David Bowie, Kiss, Elton John, Madonna, Cher. Any we are missing?

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