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6 tips to overcome performance anxiety

Ozzy’s been known to "hurt a bit" before performing, Adele feels queasy and Van Halen gets "so damn nervous." Performance anxiety can affect the best and most experienced of performers and despite hours of practice, grandma’s tip of imagining the audience in their underwear, stage fright can creep up and completely make or break a performance.

1. Practice makes perfect
We said it before, but we’ll say it again, practice, practice, practice. And then practice once more! Being prepared decreases your chances of the improbable and in turn, makes you less stressed.

2. Be prepared for the unexpected
Yes, a bit contradictory to our advice above, but sometimes things just happen. Roll with it. How you may ask? Remind yourself that yes, you may be interrupted, you may forget a chord or two, you may momentarily be blocked, heck, you may even get heckled, but never forget to take it as it comes. Knowing that it could happen will help you handle it better.

3. Believe in yourself
You’d think from our previous comments that we think you should prepare for the worst. Au contraire! Confidence is contagious and your audience will notice how you're feeling. So show 'em what your made of, you’ve got this!

4. Breathe, breathe, breathe
Deep breaths are scientifically proven to reduce stress levels, make you more aware and create an overall sense of relaxation. Next time you feel the anxiety rising, take a few seconds to focus on your breathing, regroup and play on!

5. Don’t fight it
Acknowledging that you struggle with performance anxiety, is half the battle. Accept that it will happen, try not to worry too much about it and you just may find that the long-term stress will dissipate.

6. Have fun!
You started playing/ singing/ performing because you found joy in it, right? When you perform, you are sharing your passion with others, so live it up and don’t forget to enjoy it!

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