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A customizable birthday song:
the perfect gift for your loved ones!

Since the time you gave your mom a lovely handmade noodle necklace, to when you got your FC Barcelona-supporting-dad a Real Madrid soccer jersey, your parents would be the first to agree that your well-meaning "perfect gifts" will never equate to the love you have for them. After all, they still haven't redeemed the gift certificate to their local fancy steak house (they who became vegetarian after a trip to Nepal).

What if, for once, you surprise everyone by knocking it out of the park with a personalized gift for your parents or grandparents? What could be better than a song created just for them to celebrate a memorable event like a special birthday or wedding anniversary?

Imagine their surprise (not to mention the emotions), when you sing a customized karaoke from "Mama Said" or "Daddy Cool" with words inspired by childhood memories, funny anecdotes or endearing details of their life as a couple or parents, which praise their numerous virtues. It's a guaranteed unique moment not soon forgotten.

Also, best to avoid singing "Who Killed Grandmother?" (made famous by French artist Michel Polnareff), with Grandma in the audience (even grandma's sense of humor has its limits). She may wind up seeking revenge and spoiling the mood at your next birthday party or Cotton anniversary, her eyes ablaze with anger, as she belts out a rendition of "Civil War" by Guns N'Roses. Or worse, you might catch her smirking and crooning Lady Gaga's "Bad Kids", at your kid's birthday party, while divulging a list of your childhood mischief. It could be enough to ruin your parental authority until your youngest comes of age.

There's no age to give a custom birthday song; a gift that shows you've shared a little of yourself and for those you love. A customized karaoke is a fun, original and moving gift (not to mention a unique and memorable moment that Grandma will remember, for better or for worse, on each new birthday).

Photo: Oleg Zaicev

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